Workers Compensation Ghost Policies

Written By Charlotte Insurance on April 7, 2015. It has 0 comments.

Inexpensive Charlotte workers compensation insurance coverage sounds like a dream, doesn’t it? For small business owners with no employees, who are typically exempt from workers compensation, it can be a lifesaver – or at the very least, a business-saver.

Ghost policies are a type of workers comp coverage that satisfies mandated requirements for single proprietors or self-employed business owners. When a job requires coverage but you are exempt from needing workers compensation, ghost policies step in to fill the gap at a lower cost. The only thing ghost policies do is fill a requirement for a company or government entity that might be hiring contractors. They don’t provide any actual coverage.

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The Importance of having a Trusted Workers Compensation Advisor

Written By Charlotte Insurance on February 27, 2015. It has 0 comments.

$18,250 – $36,500 in fines, even if there are no workplace injuries – that’s what you could expect if your business is caught without workers’ compensation insurance coverage for a year.

The North Carolina Workers’ Compensation Act requires most businesses with three or more employees to obtain workers’ compensation insurance with few exceptions. While your employees can opt out of coverage, you cannot. Not providing workers’ compensation can be a very expensive mistake.

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