
How to Insure Your Seasonal Construction Workers

Written By Charlotte Insurance on July 23, 2024. It has 0 comments.

a group of seasonal construction workers on a job site.

Seasonal construction workers pop up in many different parts of the industry. Some specialize in concrete, others in carpentry, plumbing, electrical, drywall, and more. No matter what, each company that employs these seasonal workers essentially has to look out for them, at least with the proper insurance policies. These policies can help protect both the […]

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Trade-Specific Bonds: What You Need to Know

Written By Charlotte Insurance on July 16, 2024. It has 0 comments.

"bonds" spelled out in letter blocks

The construction trade requires contractors of all types to take out bonds. These bonds work similar to insurance policies but with a few major differences. For example, the bond is purchased from a special agency that deals with bonds, and the tradesperson needs to pay for a portion of the bond up front. Should the […]

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Mitigating Risks for Summer Car Shows and Dealer Sponsored Events

Written By Charlotte Insurance on July 9, 2024. It has 0 comments.

Mitigating Risks for Summer Car Shows and Dealer Sponsored Events

There’s nothing more fun and exciting than a summer car show for a true car enthusiast. Owners of classic vehicles bring them out and put them on full display. There are usually food vendors and craftspeople, and attendees get to walk around, gawk at cool cars, and have a good time. Well, let’s be honest […]

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Preparing Your Apartment Complex for Summer Storms: Essential Insurance Coverage

Written By Charlotte Insurance on July 2, 2024. It has 0 comments.

a 'storm warning' sign, reinforcing the need for apartment complexes to have the right insurance policies in place.

Owners of apartment complexes have a lot on their minds. They need to keep their apartments filled with tenants, manage the employees who maintain and clean the complex, and ensure that all of the bills get paid. The last thing that they need is to deal with additional bills from storm damage-related repairs. Thankfully, there […]

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Why Every Landlord Should Consider Loss of Use Insurance

Written By Charlotte Insurance on June 27, 2024. It has 0 comments.

an apartment building that should have loss of use coverage as part of their insurance policy

Landlords, unlike other companies, make their living by renting out houses and apartments to people who need housing. Being able to successfully do this relies on a number of factors, from having tenants who pay enough, to keeping the building in good shape, to paying the mortgage, to keeping some extra for the landlord to […]

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Navigating the Complexities of Product Recall Insurance

Written By Charlotte Insurance on June 25, 2024. It has 0 comments.

Navigating the Complexities of Product Recall Insurance

Companies that sell products to consumers have several things to worry about, from dealing with problems that occur along the supply chain to those that pop up once consumers buy the items. In some cases, these problems are so bad that a recall needs to take place, which includes consumers returning the items for either […]

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Why Auto Dealers Need Surety Bonds

Written By Charlotte Insurance on June 21, 2024. It has 0 comments.

auto dealer discussing their surety bond with an insurance agent

Auto dealers have a lot of different insurance policies that they need to have in place in order to operate legally. This includes surety bonds. What do these bonds do? How do they work? And why are they needed? There are many things that go into purchasing a bond as an automotive dealer, but the […]

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The Importance of Wind and Hail Coverage for Car Lots

Written By Charlotte Insurance on June 19, 2024. It has 0 comments.

The Importance of Wind and Hail Coverage for Car Lots

Unlike other types of stores, car dealerships tend to keep most of their inventory outside. This not only makes it easy for customers to peruse what they have to offer, but it also allows the car lot to have plenty of open indoor space for their sales and finance teams. The downside to this is […]

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Surety Bonds for Developers: Mitigating Risks in Real Estate Development

Written By Charlotte Insurance on May 28, 2024. It has 0 comments.

Surety Bonds for Developers Mitigating Risks in Real Estate Development

Real estate developments make some big promises to their customers. Those who choose to go through a developer and have a new house built need to choose the plot of land, select a house design, and then go through all of the steps towards getting it finished, such as picking out wall colors and flooring […]

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Tenant Discrimination Insurance: Addressing Risks in Multifamily Housing

Written By Charlotte Insurance on May 23, 2024. It has 0 comments.

a multifamily house owned by a landlord with a tenant discrimination insurance policy in place.

As a landlord, you no doubt have a lot on your mind. You have to keep your properties full of tenants, not to mention in good, livable condition. You might have employees to manage. Depending on the size of the property, this can include housekeeping staff, rental staff, maintenance workers, and more. The last thing […]

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