How to Insure Your Seasonal Construction Workers

Written By Charlotte Insurance on July 23, 2024. It has 0 comments.

a group of seasonal construction workers on a job site.

Seasonal construction workers pop up in many different parts of the industry. Some specialize in concrete, others in carpentry, plumbing, electrical, drywall, and more. No matter what, each company that employs these seasonal workers essentially has to look out for them, at least with the proper insurance policies. These policies can help protect both the […]

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Navigating the Complexities of Product Recall Insurance

Written By Charlotte Insurance on June 25, 2024. It has 0 comments.

Navigating the Complexities of Product Recall Insurance

Companies that sell products to consumers have several things to worry about, from dealing with problems that occur along the supply chain to those that pop up once consumers buy the items. In some cases, these problems are so bad that a recall needs to take place, which includes consumers returning the items for either […]

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The Importance of Wind and Hail Coverage for Car Lots

Written By Charlotte Insurance on June 19, 2024. It has 0 comments.

The Importance of Wind and Hail Coverage for Car Lots

Unlike other types of stores, car dealerships tend to keep most of their inventory outside. This not only makes it easy for customers to peruse what they have to offer, but it also allows the car lot to have plenty of open indoor space for their sales and finance teams. The downside to this is […]

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Tenant Discrimination Insurance: Addressing Risks in Multifamily Housing

Written By Charlotte Insurance on May 23, 2024. It has 0 comments.

a multifamily house owned by a landlord with a tenant discrimination insurance policy in place.

As a landlord, you no doubt have a lot on your mind. You have to keep your properties full of tenants, not to mention in good, livable condition. You might have employees to manage. Depending on the size of the property, this can include housekeeping staff, rental staff, maintenance workers, and more. The last thing […]

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Dealer Plate Insurance: Ensuring Compliance and Coverage for Test Drives

Written By Charlotte Insurance on May 16, 2024. It has 0 comments.

vehicles on a dealer's lot, protected with dealer plate insurance

Automotive dealers have a lot to keep track of. They not only have to manage their employees, work with customers, stay in contact with lenders, and track their inventory, but they also need to ensure that they have the right insurance policies in place should something happen to any of the above. While some of […]

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Cargo Insurance for Manufacturers: Protecting Goods in Transit

Written By Charlotte Insurance on May 14, 2024. It has 0 comments.

shipping containers full of manufactured goods protected with a cargo insurance policy

There are several things that manufacturers need to consider when making sure that they have all of the right insurance policies in place. The first few consist of coverage on their buildings and equipment. The next are needed to ensure that the items they make are properly protected from the moment they’re completed until they […]

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Intellectual Property Insurance: Safeguarding Your Innovations

Written By Charlotte Insurance on April 15, 2024. It has 0 comments.

an intellectual property insurance policy

Creating something that makes your business run more efficiently is always a good thing, especially where profitability is concerned. However, what happens when someone claims that your new invention infringes on their patent? And even if they haven’t patented the item, what if they state that they invented it first, hire a lawyer, and file […]

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Risk Management Strategies for Contractors

Written By Charlotte Insurance on February 21, 2024. It has 0 comments.

a contractor on the job working after managing their risks

Being in the construction industry comes with a truckload of risk. There are many different moving pieces involved in repairing and renovating houses, all of which rely on each other in order for the job to go smoothly. What happens when your equipment breaks down? What if an employee is hurt on the job? Both […]

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Environmental Liability Insurance for Contractors: Why It’s Essential

Written By Charlotte Insurance on February 6, 2024. It has 0 comments.

Environmental Liability Insurance for Contractors Why It’s Essential (1)

Contractors have a lot of moving pieces to juggle on a daily basis. From hiring employees to ensuring that all of the right materials get to the correct job sites, it’s understandable that some things, like environmental hazards, can fall through the cracks. Thankfully, there are insurance policies available to mitigate these risks, including environmental […]

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Navigating the Complexities of Fire Insurance for Multi-Unit Buildings

Written By Charlotte Insurance on January 30, 2024. It has 0 comments.

Navigating the Complexities of Fire Insurance for Multi-Unit Buildings

Owning a multi-unit or multi-family building is usually a promising investment, as long as the structure is sound, well maintained, and contains the safety features that your location requires. However, there is one danger that you can’t predict: fire. When a larger building catches on fire, not only is it tougher for the fire department […]

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