It’s that Time of the Year!

Written By Charlotte Insurance on March 25, 2013. It has 0 comments.

Many people believe that spring is an auspicious season for selling your home. It has nothing to do with the symbolic “birth of nature”. It is a known fact that more people search for a house to purchase in the spring. This should do the trick, don’t your think?

Well, no as a matter of fact, because many think as you do. Therefore, there are more listings in spring, and the competition is much fiercer. Basically, it turns into a buyer’s market.

Also, you would have to deal with the so called “window shoppers”, people who are looking for renovating ideas or simply pass their time by visiting open houses. In winter, there will be fewer visitors, but the chances are much higher of qualified buyers appearing.

Does that mean you shouldn’t sell during spring? No, of course not. There is no such thing as the right time of the year for selling a house. Seasons have no influence on the price you may or may not get on your house, merely on how much competition you’re facing.

The best time to move is when you are ready to move, both financially and emotionally.


John Touchberry
Touchberry Properties LLC

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